St. John School is accreditedby the Michigan Association of Nonpublic Schools. Our curriculum and standards are developed by educators and faith leaders in the Diocese of Lansing.
Core Classes - Religion, Math, Science, English, History
Special Classes: Music, Art, Technology, STEM, Physical Education, Spanish
Additional Services: Full time reading specialist, Title One math and reading support, ISD Support - Speech Therapy, Occupational therapy, Teacher consultant​
St. John emphasizes the importance of safety. Improvements are made each year ranging from boot systems to prevent people outside of a classroom from entering in an emergency situation to bulletproof 3M film on windows and doors.
Creating disciples is a core aspect of our behavior and discipline. Students are taught the Catholic virtuesand encouraged to recognize the virtues they areexcelling in and how they can improve on others when a discipline situation arises. Parent partnerships to help students grow and learn is important.
Faith is core to who we are at St. John the Evangelist School.We honor the person God has created and celebrate our faith through weekly mass, monthly adoration, daily prayer, service, retreats, and more.
A strong partnership between our school and parish is important.Our families attend mass, students in grades 4 and up serve at mass, there is a partnership between the school and parish preparing for sacraments, and 2023-2024 will see the implementation of school and parish Catechesis of the Good Shepherd for preschool age children.
Before and after care are available in our latchkey program. Beginning as early as 7am, students may participate in games, puzzles, service projects, and prayer before school. Following school, students have a snack, play games, complete homework, and more until 6pm.
Extracurricular activities range from sports through the Jackson Catholic School System to scouting opportunities and more.
As the oldest school in Jackson, generations of families have passed through our doors making the family center to our mission. Families are involved in many activities from our Parent Teacher Organization to Senior Saints, a group of grandparents and supportive parishioners looking to help the school